Monday, May 18, 2009

Island Wars: Philippines and Malaysia

---Haunted Six--

Philippines Claim Sabah, Malaysia

"The Sultanate of Sulu was granted the territory as a prize for helping the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies and from then on that part of Borneo is recognized as part of the Sultan of Sulu's sovereignty. In 1878, Baron Von Overbeck, an Austrian partner representing The British North Borneo Co. and his partner British Alfred Dent, leased the territory known as "Sabah" - roughly translated as "the land beneath the winds". In return the company will provide arms to the Sultan to resist the spaniards and 5,000 Malaysian ringgits annual rental based on the Mexican dollars value at that time or its equivalent in gold. This lease have been continued until the independence and formation of the Malaysian federation in 1963 together with Singapore, Sarawak and Malaysia. Up to these days, the Malaysians have been continuing the rental payment of 5,300 Malaysian ringgits - a 300 ringgits increased from original rent." From:
"The Sultanate of Sulu was granted the north-eastern part of the territory as a prize for helping the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies and from then on that part of Borneo was recognized as part of the Sultan of Sulu's sovereignty. In 1878, Baron Von Overbeck, an Austrian partner representing The British North Borneo Company and his British partner Alfred Dent, leased the territory of Sabah. In return, the company was to provide arms to the Sultan to resist the Spaniards and 5,000 Malayan dollars annual rental based on the Mexican dollar's value at that time or its equivalent in gold. This lease was continued until the independence and formation of the Malaysian federation in 1963 together with Singapore, Sarawak and the states of Malaya. As of 2004, the Malaysian Embassy to the Philippines had been paying cession/rental money amounting to US$1,500 per year (about 6,300 Malaysian Ringgits) to the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu." From: Wikipedia
"Philippines Claim Sabah, Malaysia" is an old issue. See the picture above? It is a common Philippine Map. Do you see Sabah in the Map of the Philippine Teritory? Yes of course.

The history clearly states the fact that Sabah was once a part of the Philippines. But the PROBLEM of the agreement between the Sultan of Brunei and Sultanate of Sulu was the legal proof. There is NO CONTRACT and THE AGREEMENT of both Sultans were just verbal.

is a system of payment for the temporary use of something owned by someone else; the payments for such use are typically referred to as "rent".

Why Malaysia pay "rent" to the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu up to now? It is because "Philippines Claim Sabah, Malaysia" is TRUE!

Will Malaysia pay a rent if they own SABAH? NO! Would you pay a rent if you own it? NO!

The payment is US$1,500 per year (about 6,300 Malaysian Ringgits). And the owner is the Philippines.


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